Welcome to Web Development: Lesson 01 — What is HTML and CSS?

Learning the fundamentals of building beautiful, functional websites.

JP Branski
3 min readDec 21, 2023
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Do you ever wonder how websites come to life? What is going on behind the pictures and the pages of text? Welcome to Web Development will be your step-by-step trusty guide to take you from complete beginner to web development maestro.

HTML & CSS — The Foundations of Web Development

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) was first written by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1993, but it has come a long way since its original debut, and it continues to change as technology continues to advance.

But, what actually is HTML? A classic way to imagine this is to relate websites to houses. Walls, floors, doorways, stairs and more — each being an element with a purpose and a place. HTML is like the houses blueprint, defining the structure and layout of the house, and HTML elements, or tags, being the individual pieces that make up the entire plan!

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) helps govern the style and positioning (and more!) of HTML elements. Referencing the house again, HTML may place down a floor, but CSS would be what determines the type of flooring, what color the flooring is, and (if it is something like wood…



JP Branski

A developer and author who likes to write a little bit about everything. Passions include self-improvement, volunteering, and professional-growth.