Quiet Quitting Is the Latest Workplace Trend

JP Branski
2 min readAug 19, 2022

What is Quiet Quitting and how the name is harmful

Photo by Dessidre Fleming on Unsplash

On platforms like TikTok, the #QuietQuitting trend has been picking up steam, but is this the best name for it?

Quiet Quitting is the term that has been given to the act of just doing your job — nothing more, nothing less. It has gained popularity since the Great Resignation has forced many employers to make quick changes to keep their businesses operational. Many employees have noted that they are expected to continuously do more work, without any actual increase in their compensation.

Every week I kept getting assigned to do more of the manager’s work. When I asked about becoming a manager, they said they didn’t have any open positions and that I wasn’t eligible for a raise yet. It’s bullshit.

I definitely believe that everyone deserves fair compensation for the work they put in. Especially as I have experienced similar situations on more than one occasion. There are two main concerns, however, with the verbiage used.

  1. The term does not actually refer to quitting a job. People are just quitting doing more than what their job actually entails.
  2. Employers are using the term against employees. Essentially referring to them as lazy or unmotivated or even not being a team player.



JP Branski

A developer and author who likes to write a little bit about everything. Passions include self-improvement, volunteering, and professional-growth.