How to get “Broken Geography” in Loop Hero

Helping you get 1 step closer to 100% completion

JP Branski
5 min readMar 22, 2021

Loop hero is a Indie, RPG, strategy game with roguelike elements developed by Four Quarters and published by Devolver Digital. In this game you find yourself building up your camp and the world, filling it with wonders and horrors alike!

To be able to complete the game to 100%, one must get the “Broken Geography” achievement, which requires the hero to place 10 cards that were not in your deck in a single expedition. In order to get new cards that are not present in your deck, you must kill Prime Matters, which can spawn from Ghost of a Ghost, which can spawn from a Ghost, which has a chance to spawn from anything with a soul. Seems like a lot of luck, right? Thankfully we are here to show you how you can help to mitigate your bad luck.

The Rogue and the Priestess

For this achievement, we will want to use the Rogue class. The Rogue collects trophies and exchanges them at camp for gear. Due to the amount of creatures we will be slaying, this lets you quickly out-level the Act II scaling. This also lets us utilize outposts without the loss of gear!

The high attack speed and damage of the rogue will also allow us to quickly dispatch the Priestess and her mirrors. When going for this achievement, the boss will be one of the earlier obstacles that you will have to cross.

Building Your Deck

What we bring in our deck is important, as we need enough cards to get us going, but we do not want to bring the maximum possible. The only card that is truly required is the battlefield card, but all of the other ones will be beneficial. When placing cards, it is important to keep extra spaces available for any type of new card, including the treasury which requires a larger than normal open space in order to be placed.

The deck recommended for the Broken Geography achievement

Villages & Wheat Fields

Villages have many uses in runs, but this time their purpose is actually going to be to get removed. When you place wheat fields around a village, but then remove the village, the wheat fields become overgrown fields. These overgrown fields spawn the enemy “Field of blades”, which is a plant / swarm type enemy that has a soul! I am not quite sure how evil wheat has a soul while spiders do not, but that is a question for another day. All we care about is that this is a relatively easy way to get more soul-filled monsters for us to turn into ghosts, which means more chances at Prime Matter!

Feel free to place these as you get oblivion cards, but be wary of bandit camps that spawn every two villages! While they have souls, it is an easy way to accidentally lose some vital pieces of gear which could potentially end a run.


Groves are another greatly beneficial card to have as they will give us plenty of ratwolves to fight. These are a relatively easy creature that also have a soul, especially when compared to skeletons and scorch worms. You will want a majority of your map to be these.

Spider Cocoons

Spiders do not have souls, so why do we want this card? Mainly to help get a good boost in the early game. Spiders are quick to pick off and are an easy source of trophies early on. I recommend placing 2–4 cocoons away from early battlefields and groves.

Vampire Mansions

Vampires will be serving as a way for us to not only get more trophies, but to get us to be able to fight 5 enemies in a single battle. As they do not appear on the tiles, you can have 4 ratwolves or other creatures and they will still show up. Spread them out around the map paired up with battlefields!


These spawn ghosts, and ghosts of ghosts, and prime matter, so these are just kind of essential. Blood clots can turn into ghosts, but I find them way less fun to fight, so try to get full map coverage but limited overlap unless you have another tile already placed there.


As mentioned up above, outposts will not be taking their fees from the rogue, but will still provide helpful assistance. Fill these in on the campfire tile for help with the boss, as well as wherever you want some extra assistance


To keep it simple, we want to kill stuff FAST, and trees make us hit fast. Also to help negate the effects of the oasis.

Rivers, Deserts, and a nice Oasis!

Okay, the oasis isn’t an actual card, but it is made with the river and desert cards. Outside of the normal benefits of lowering creatures max hp by twice as much a normal, the oasis lowers the attack speed of the hero by 0.5%, and for all creatures by 1%. Can’t get killed if you kill the enemies before they can even take a swing at you, right?


Use these to clear out villages, bandit camps, and villages?, as well as anything else you may need to destroy to make room for a new card.


I find the extra magic hp to be a huge benefit for the rogue, so we will be taking this over the Ancestral Crypt, but feel free to experiment!

Camp Supplies

There is no set rule for what you need to bring, but for me I tried to fill my camp up mostly with Blacksmith’s hammers, Mixed nuts, Farmer’s scythes, as well as a Rare book. The Blacksmith’s hammer and Mixed nuts work well together to give you more HP, and more defense to protect it. The Farmer’s scythes will help give you damage to all to clear battles fast. I like the rare book for even more defense as you will be holding onto a large portion of your cards.

Assuming you do not fill up the camp with just those, I like to bring old paintings for extra boss damage, alchemist shelves for more potions, and antique shelves for more max hp.

Final Thoughts

There is no guarantee that Prime Matters will spawn or when they will spawn, it is all down to chance in the end. People have gotten this achievement without trying and there have been those going well into 30+ loops to get it. Act II with the rogue and this set up is how I was able to best get Broken Geography as my last achievement. Here is what my map and stats looked like a little before getting it.

Loop 23 with level 30+ gear on the Rogue

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JP Branski

A developer and author who likes to write a little bit about everything. Passions include self-improvement, volunteering, and professional-growth.