3 Steps to Help Stick To Your New Years Resolutions

and keeping up your motivation past January

JP Branski
2 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Elisha Terada on Unsplash

Like a majority of others around New Year’s day, I have come up with a list of resolutions that I want to accomplish or stick to. Also like many others, however, I have had many years filled with resolutions barely making it past January. Through these years of failed attempts, as well as some research, I have made a game plan to hopefully carry me and my resolutions throughout 2023 and beyond.

Before we get into the details, it may help to actually say what some of my resolutions are!

  • A common one, losing weight and being more active!
  • Being consistent with my hobbies, including writing.
  • Learning more to further my career.

1) Setting realistic expectations for your resolutions

A big point of failure I have seen with New Year’s resolutions is that they tend to not be thought out. As you can see from my short list, I did not provide a lot of detail.

That is fine for sharing with your friends or on your blog, but is not great for working towards it. Do I want to lose 20lb and start doing some routine workouts, or do I plan on getting completely ripped and living out of a gym…



JP Branski

A developer and author who likes to write a little bit about everything. Passions include self-improvement, volunteering, and professional-growth.